Contract addresses

Contract Addresses


You should never send any stAVAIL, AVAIL, any ERC20 tokens or assets directly to any of these addresses. Doing so will result in the permanent loss of your assets. Please only use the official (opens in a new tab) front-end interface to interact with the contracts.



Governance0xfc972eec33ea88fbad2f206c9a1a84ae9f5135d0 (opens in a new tab)A 3-of-5 multisig used for upgrading contract implementations.
Pauser0x5f5a162488e23664b674924d71fdca6c30d7d4b7 (opens in a new tab)A 2-of-3 multisig used for emergency pausing only.

Security Council

The security council consists of the following members:


All contracts have been audited by Hexens (opens in a new tab). The audit report can be found here (opens in a new tab).