What is Deq?
  • Deq is a native liquid staking platform for Avail tokens on Ethereum.
What is stAVAIL?
  • stAVAIL is an ERC20 token on Ethereum that represents your staked Avail tokens. It accrues value over time based on staking rewards distributed on the Avail network. Since it is not a rebasing token (i.e. your balance does not change over time), it can easily be integrated in almost all current DeFi protocols.
How do I withdraw stAVAIL?
  • It can take upto 28 days to redeem stAVAIL. Rewards are automatically redeemed when stAVAIL is withdrawn (in AVAIL). This is based on the unbonding period of the Avail blockchain. If you want a faster withdrawal period, you can always exit via liquidity pools on DEXes. Keep in mind that based on slippage and liquidity pool fees, you might not receive the exact amount that you would get when exiting via the protocol directly. We do not charge any withdrawal fees but the minimum amount to be eligible for in-protocol withdrawal is 1 stAVAIL.
How does Deq offer the best rates for swaps?
  • Our swap feature is powered by the 0x API, which acts as a liquidity aggregator and routes your swap to the liquidity provider (such as Uniswap or Sushiswap) with the best rates. We do not charge any additional fees and the service is provided as-is, keep in mind that network fees still apply.
How do I earn Deq points?
  • Deq points are earned based on the time you have held stAVAIL in your wallet as well the amount held. There will also be more pathways to earn Deq points in the future.
What is the reward fee?
  • Currently the Deq protocol charges a flat 10% fee on rewards earned (in AVAIL). This value has been chosen carefully based on a long-term intention of running a sustainable protocol that rewards all validators and users effectively. This value can also be updated once the protocol fully decentralizes and a full governance mechanism is established.
How are Avail rewards optimized?
  • Avail works in a NPoS system which means that the consensus algorithm works to balance the amount of stake of validators using an estimation algorithm called Phragmen election. The Deq Protocol will occasionally rebalance validator selection to optimize this election process and maximize Avail staking rewards. All rewards are auto-compounded daily and are reflected in the exchange rate update on Ethereum.
What is AVAIL?
  • AVAIL is the token powering the Avail ecosystem. It is used to secure the Avail L1 blockchain in a nominated proof of stake (NPoS) system.
How can I get stAVAIL?
  • You can get stAVAIL by minting them with Avail tokens on Ethereum. Alternatively, you can always buy stAVAIL from DEXes such as Uniswap and Sushiswap.
How can I get AVAIL?
  • You can get AVAIL on Ethereum by swapping your existing assets. The Deq frontend already has swapping built-in, allowing you to get the best rates from the market. You can also get Avail from popular CEXes such as Binance and Coinbase, obtain them on the Avail network and bridge it to Ethereum. If you qualified for the Avail Unification Drop, you will receive your Avail in your wallet directly on the Avail network, which you can bridge to Ethereum to stake it in the Deq Protocol.
How do I redeem my staking rewards?
  • There is no separate process for redemption, rewards are redeemed as part of the stAVAIL withdrawal process.
How do I know that Deq is safe?
  • All our contracts are fully audited by the leading security researchers in the space. We have taken all the industry-standard security measures in place to ensure that all funds are secure. However, it is important to note that no system can be fully protected. We recommend that you only use the official Deq frontend interface at app.deq.fi (opens in a new tab) to interact with our contracts. For added security, you can purchase coverage for your positions from providers such as Nexus Mutual (opens in a new tab), Chainproof (opens in a new tab) or Opencover (opens in a new tab). We do not recommend or endorse any insurance provider. If you have any concerns about the security of our contracts or frontend interface, please contact us via email: security<at>refreshlabs<dot>xyz.